Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Diary 2009 Project

Last year I participated in a project called Diary 2008. A wonderful idea, initiated by Lucy (you can find her Etsy shop here), who envisioned a daily journal where each page is designed by a different crafter or artist.

Diary 2008 was a great success, involving hundreds of artists from around the globe. The diary ended up being both a functional and a promotional item - Enabling each contributor to promote their products and websites. We created a Flickr group where all contributors publish pictures of their submitted pages, and eventually got copies of our collective work for a cost price. Each could use and handout their copies, or sell them (but only with a original handmade cover).

My Diary 2008 Project entry Notes page for Diary 2008 Project

I am using mine as an Etsy journal, where I write my goals for each month, ideas for new products, order information and so on. I am always happy to "meet" an online buddy on the pages of the diary, not to mention discovering new artists I never heard of before.

Following its success on 2008, Lucy is now working on Diary 2009. The main deadline is now over, but there are still available pages. You can find more information on contributing here and here. This year, unlike last year, I managed to snag my birthday in time!

My Diary 2009 contribution

If you are looking for a free promo, on a popular platform, with a fun creative side - This is the project for you!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Those are really neat! I'll keep my eye out in case some Etsy sellers put them in their shop.