Monday, May 23, 2011

Making a miniature tutu skirt

I wanted to share the process of making Odile's tutu skirt, which I made from scratch. The best thing about this technique is that you can actually apply it to real people and not only dolls! I have a lot of tulle at home, and am planning to make a full size tutu for little moi in the near future.

I made the skirt from beautiful golden tulle I got from a friend, using a non-stitch technique I picked up on YouTube. It's actually very easy to follow, just requires some patience. It was quite a tedious task, and took almost two hours (while watching TV, I admit). Here is the tutorial, easy as pie!

So, I cut several dozens of thin strips of tulle and tied them to a satin ribbon, in matching gold color, which I later used to secure the skirt to Odile's waist.

Tying thin strands of tulle to a satin ribbon

The tying is complete, fitting Odile's waist

Placing the skirt over the satin bodice

That was the base of my work. After that came embellishments, jewelry, hair and makeup and tiny golden shoes I ordered especially et voila - the little ballerina was ready!

I am very grateful I found this simple tutorial, and am actually eager to make some more little ballerinas. My friend also gave me red and white tulle, which are waiting to be made into something beautiful.

Last but not least, I almost forgot! I got a flattering review of on custom made Flutterbride and Fluttergroom on Urban Brides Magazine. Here is a little excerpt for you guys (in Hebrew).

Have a nice week everybody! And please comment, I love reading what you guys think.

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